I rarely read the columns to my Left and Right on this page, but recently was made aware of a comment asserting I had a “Right” bias. Although probably not far off at first glance, due to my fear of tyranny through larger government, I thought I might take on the challenge and clarify many of my positions for all who read. I compiled a list of my columns for the last 80 weeks and saw a common theme emerging, one that distances me from most on the Right and those on the Left, but more so defining a tolerant middle-ground. Let me proceed.
We should not have a death penalty, in my opinion to put one innocent man to death is far more grievous an error than all the guilty men “legally” killed. In contrast I would argue the same applies to abortion and we should not terminate those who cannot speak for themselves. I do not support school sponsored prayer, or even prayer at a public event. At the same time I feel it is wrong to tell someone they cannot pray or express themselves religiously, both positions fail to respect the individual. I do believe the environment should be protected at all costs, to not be a conservationist is only destroying the world for future generations. However I am of the opinion Global Warming is complete hogwash. Regarding health care, as dutiful men we need to care for the indigent and infirmed, but government is least likely the right mechanism to transfer such wealth whereas charity and selflessness will more efficiently provide.
I move far from the left on the concept of income redistribution and sincerely believe all men are created equal, and therefore have an equal chance of success. However, I do believe some amount of government regulation is necessary as many men will choose cheating and scheming over honesty. Like many on the Left I believe the Patriot Act was the most abusive attack on our civil rights ever made and it should be immediately abolished. Unlike those on the Left I believe the Founding Fathers did not see the Constitution as a living document, fearing tyranny, and wanted to give liberty from government to future generations.
I can state my position succinctly: I love my country, but fear my government. “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson.
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