
There are days I watch the news with disbelief. Politicians offer statements and comments that my third grade son would laugh at and know are not true. Of more concern is the current the lack of experience, or just plain stupidity, of our current leaders.

Since the oil spill in the Gulf I knew jokingly George Bush would ultimately be blamed. As people would discuss the spill and what went wrong the comment would be made, “it must be George Bush’s fault” and laugh about the situation. When President Obama went on the offensive, to defend his actions on Friday he placed blame for the accident squarely on the shoulders of “administrations of the past decade”. I addressed such actions in prior columns and now we can conclude with certainty Obama is responsible for nothing. It appears anything, however remote to the past, will always be blamed on Bush.

There was no surprise in the media to Obama’s nomination of Kagan for Supreme Court Justice. With no record of judicial experience she is as qualified as the President is for his position. Kagan’s action to remove military recruiters at Harvard was unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court, and she has a failing track record arguing cases as Solicitor General. Her writings demonstrate contempt for the Constitution, and favoritism of a strong leftist approach to government. Compared to the President the only qualification she lacks is “Community Organizer.”

Finally, Attorney General Eric Holder made comments that should make every American stop in their tracks and say, “huh?” As Attorney General Holder’s job is to uphold the laws of the land and ensure constitutionality. Since the passage of Arizona’s “Enforcement of Immigration Laws” (AZ SB1070) Holder, and Obama, have both publicly criticized the law. On Thursday Holder was questioned before Congress and stated “I grant that I have not read it…my comments are based on reading news reports, watching television.” I am appalled the Attorney General and President criticize American citizens without reading legislation.

This morning I read the 17-page Arizona Bill in ten minutes. Based on the selection of Kagan for Supreme Court nominee, my ability to read state legislation, and the fact I took the LSAT I should be nominated for a high judicial position within the Obama administration. I can’t wait to see what this week brings; I only know it will be George Bush’s fault.