
Good Job Mr. President.

Good Job Mr. President (10/26/2011)
President Obama surprised the press, Americans, and in one case, the world, with two major announcements in the last week. I give him kudos for the leadership he exhibited and the specificity of what he put forth. Unlike past political grandstanding, the announcements to withdraw troops and help homeowners with mortgage renegotiation were made without politicking and driven by what was best for others, not his political future. I believe if he can continue to be effective like this his poll numbers will rise and re-election may be possible.

The announcement Monday to help homeowners unable to finance surprised everyone as the President made his way around Las Vegas. Initial reports showed a walk down a typical suburban street with expectations minimized due to the campaign-like presentation. However, by executive order the president bypassed congress and the new rules will take effect. On the surface they appear positive – underwater homeowners who are current on their mortgage may refinance. Underlying this is the risk associated with these loans has been transferred from the homeowner and bank to the taxpayer. But, where the homeowner remains, makes payments, and there is no default I consider this a win for all three parties.

On Thursday President Obama announced all U.S. troops would leave Iraq by year-end, ending the most politically questioned war ever. With this decision a campaign promise was filled. Most Americans tuned out to this war long ago and with more than one trillion dollars spent overseas the real question is “why?” Long ago U.S. presidents learned meddling in Middle-East affairs comes at great expense, both political and through actual blood-shed. This decision is one of President Obama’s highest achievements. It must be foot-noted though, the decision was less a choice by President Obama but more than implementation of a consequence set forth by President Bush and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in December 2008 as part of the Strategic Framework Agreement.

I have criticized the President many times over the last nearly three years for “missed opportunities,” leadership opportunities that were easy to implement but overshadowed by politics. When working for the good of the people and with less personal interest all politicians succeed and survive. The decisions made this week may have unintended consequences which only history will reflect, but their intent and immediate impact is important. Good job Mr. President, you deserve our appreciation this week.

Collapse is Starting

President Obama promised “Hope and Change” when he was elected; he has definitely managed to deliver “Change,” and last week he was quoted saying “Hope” doesn’t happen overnight. Change has come at us like a freight train and repeatedly I have our covered loss of civil liberties, now our economic future has been stolen by Washington:
– The debt deal promised cuts, but the debt will increase by $8 trillion dollars to $23 trillion by 2021. “Why?” Because the government calls a “cut” less spending than was projected for the following year, not less than is spent now.
– The day after the deal passed the government spent $236 billion, or $750 per citizen, in a single day. For my family of six, the debt increased by $4500. I don’t have an extra $4500 lying around, do you?
– Standard and Poor’s downgraded the U.S. credit outlook for the first time in history on August 5, 2011. To claim this is a political move would underscore the objectivity of credit reporting.
– The official Chinese news agency commented, “China has every right now to demand the United States address its structural debt problems and ensure the safety of China’s dollar assets.”
– Food stamp usage hit a new historic high last week, 45.5 million, up from 26 million in January 2007, and 32 million in January 2009 when Obama took office.
– According to the Census Bureau, homeownership fell to the lowest level since 1998, 65.9%, and if delinquencies are included the numbers match 1965’s level of 59.2%, according to Morgan Stanley.
– Housing prices have dipped 32% since they peaked in mid-2006, again for the 50th straight month realtors call a bottom to the decline.
– Weekly first time jobless claims continued their record setting levels above 400,000 for the 17th straight week.
– The average length of time to find a job has surged to a new record, 40.4 weeks.
– The labor force participation rate fell to a new low, 63.9% not seen since the early 1980s.
– Including those who quit looking but desire employment, the broader unemployment rate reached 16.1%.
– Gold topped historic numbers last week, closing above $1660/ounce.

I believe President Obama and Congress sealed their political fate last week and I am hopeful revolution will begin with the election of leaders, not self-serving politicians in 2012. A quick read of history will point to failed governments following the same path as the United States. We will not have societal Armageddon tomorrow, but our standard of living, and more importantly future generations’ standard of living, will continue to decline.

Soldiers vs Winehouse

Soldiers v Winehouse (8/3/2011)

This past week I was riding with my daughter Haley talking about events of the week when I asked her if she knew who Amy Winehouse was. About two weeks ago Amy Winehouse died of an overdose and I had never heard of her, you probably haven’t either. What intrigued me more was the amount of media coverage her death received. I watch the NBC Nightly News and they gave at least three minutes to this celebrity, focusing on a lifestyle of degradation wrought with drugs and alcohol. My daughter impressed me with her next question, “did you see the Facebook post about this?”

I asked her to explain as I had no idea what she was talking about. Haley went on to share a girl had posted about Amy Winehouse versus the soldiers who died in the same week. Essentially, this is the same issue bothering me. Receiving no media coverage were the U.S. soldiers who gave their lives in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya.

Since 2002 thousands of soldiers have died fighting in our Presidents’ war on terror. These are funded by, but not declared wars by Congress and in my opinion Bush and Obama along with the entire Senate and House can be blamed for these deaths. Prior to Obama’s Presidency the major networks would publish the names of the soldiers who died each day and give coverage to the IEDs and bombings taking the lives of our sons and daughters. Part of Obama’s election platform was the withdrawal of troops and shutting down the wars, but the opposite has happened with as many lives lost on his watch as Bush’s.

I puzzle why we have U.S. soldiers dying on foreign soil and speculate the following: Iraq – to install democracy, Afghanistan – to stop Al Queda, Libya – to remove Qhadaffi, and Yemen – to protect human rights. All of these theaters are U.N. sanctioned and fought without a declaration of War by the Congress. Therefore, our soldiers are policeman, not upholding the Constitutional premise of protection against enemies foreign and domestic, especially since Osama Bin Laden was killed and the mission accomplished.

The Gulf of Tonkin taught us politicians will lie to create wars. I must now questions the policies of our government, and more personally I wonder if I would allow the government to send my sons to a questionable war. Of most concern is the media stopped questioning the reason for these wars and it now appears a meaningless, drugged up 27-year old British citizen deserves more coverage than our youth fighting a politicians’ war.

My 100th Column

My 100th Column (07/27/2011)

This week I celebrate my 100th column, a huge milestone for me as I could not have imagined writing for “The Observer” for nearly two years without missing a week; I just wish my high school English teacher could see me now. I want to thank the publishers for the opportunity, seeing something they liked and allowing me free reign to pontificate as I desire. It was freelance writing, “Death and Taxes” that won me the opportunity and I find it ironic it is that issue, taxes, currently in front of the American people. As I look back over the last 99 weeks I note my philosophies have emerged where I feel I can clearly define my views: libertarian (with a little “L”), constitutionalist fearful of eroding liberties, and angry at politicians feeling anointed to spend, steal, and create laws but yet hold themselves above the people.

My early columns could be republished today: “What is Government’s Role”, “When Should Citizens Fear their Government?”, and “Big Brother is Watching.” Sadly I look back and see a country that has worsened during the last 100 weeks and continues to spin into the abyss while the citizenry look the other way to take in meaningless hype like Casey Anthony, the NFL, and “Dancing with Stars.” Two forces have united to provide the Kool-Aid for apathy, the media and the President. Right now we are two years into the economic recovery: remember “Green Shoots”, Biden and Obama touting all of the jobs they saved, and the National Realtors Association calling the bottom to housing prices? This deception is dutifully reported by the three networks and bull-horned by General Electric owned MSNBC and CNBC.

Over the weekend, the networks gave more time to the Amy Winehouse drug-induced death than the critical issues. Did you know last week gold hit a historic high over $1,600/ounce; jobless claims topped 400,000 for the 15th week in a row; and Borders (closed 399 stores), Cisco and Lockheed Martin announced combined layoffs of 23,000? Since January state and local governments have laid off 142,000 workers. Let’s not forget last week’s media celebration of American Airlines ordering jets from Airbus, a consortium of European companies, a staggering loss to domestic aircraft producers. Although our President tells us things are better and improving it is impossible to conclude the same when looking at the numbers. Likewise the 1930s were a long road of government missteps trying to fix problems created by the same banking cartel whose lineage has brought the same destruction upon us today. Looking back, history provides hilarious quotes from our leaders during the Great Depression trumpeting the recovery and “Happy Days are Here Again.” I believe Obama and Biden will be similarly chided for their mistruths when history is chiseled.

Can I Wear My Shoes Now?

Can I wear my Shoes Now? (5/4/2011)

Sunday night I was on my way home from Atlanta tuned in to CNN when I heard the President planned an unprecedented press conference around 10:40pm. My wife and I speculated on possibilities, “what could be so important?” Jokingly I offered maybe Osama bin Laden was dead, but that certainly was not worth a late night press conference. Of course, if your poll numbers have fallen to historic lows and your re-election campaign was prematurely announced weeks ago then this could be the much needed booster shot.

I argue, “who cares?” Eight or nine years ago the death of Osama bin Laden may have had material impact. For nearly 10 years we have been given the boogeyman of threat, Bin Laden and his minions trying to harm us. Of course, Orwell would not have given up his government boogeyman, Emmanuel Goldstein, because he was the necessary fuel for the government machine. Bin Laden, like Goldstein, is a necessary enemy of the state; serving to distract, unit e and focus the people away from the true issues. Bush brought as bin Laden, a desperate politically troubled president has eliminated him. Reminding us how important it is not to piss off our enemies, the United States is treating Osama bin Laden’s body in “accordance with Islamic practice,” a White House official says. If this man was our enemy I assert his body be publicly hung in Times Square and treated to a ticker tape parade, unless of course, no body exists and this is a diversion.

So, the real question the next time I board an airplane is, “can I wear my shoes now?” If Bin Laden is dead I assume this means we can pull out of Afghanistan this week and bring our troops home since we spent billions of dollars chasing this idiot through caves, not unlike Bill Murray and the “Caddyshack” gopher. Sadly, the media was quick to report ramped up security efforts, more scanning, and began fear-mongering possible Al Qaeda retaliation attacks. Give me a break, Goldstein (I mean bin Laden) is dead and now the threat level is pushed to imminent. I expect more money will have to be spent to assure Al Qaeda terrorism is minimized. I expect much focus on the White House this week, defining our President as a world-wide hero who saved humanity from an evil man, with the media acting like teen-age girls at a “Teen Beat” cover shoot. Osama bin Laden is dead; can I wear my shoes now?

The King’s Speech

The King’s Speech (04/20/2011)

I have never been as angry after a President’s speech as I was last week. Being forthright, I do not like Obama, never have, and never will. I believe he was unqualified to lead our country, has blamed others for his failures, will not hold himself accountable, and ultimately we disagree on the direction our country should go. Furthermore, I believe the Republicans have nothing different to offer than to protect their own interests and continue stealing our freedoms.

The King had an opportunity to win the American people over to the proposals for our future. Our fiscal situation is dire, inflation is increasing, wages are falling, energy and food prices are increasing, the Democrats have proposed spending $1.4 trillion more than tax revenues will produce, and in just 2 years the King and his court have increased the national debt 33%. The Jester, John Boehner, bragged regarding the bipartisan budget agreement, largest in history, but that lie only survived a week. The CBO reported the “real” cuts are only $352 million, less than 1% of the lie put to us.

The King, Jester, court, and sleeping beauty (Joe Biden) know how government works; let me explain. Let’s say you and I spend $100/month on eating out and decide next month we will budget $50 more dollars for dining. Using government accounting if we reduce the total budget to $120, we “saved” $30! There were no cuts; we just didn’t spend what we planned to, unlike spending $70 you and I would have inferred. Because my children’s future is in peril let me propose true government responsibility: mandatory 15% income tax for everyone, 20% for all corporations, and reducing the tax code to just one page as there will be no deductions of any kind. Second, eliminate the Departments of Energy, Education, Interior, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services. Third, close all foreign military bases. Fourth, eliminate public funding of arts, Planned Parenthood, charitable programs, and any constitutionally questionable program. Fifth, cut all Congressional member and staff budgets and salaries by 50%. Sixth, eliminate all civil service pension plans and special medical plans. Seventh, remind our elderly that Social Security and Medicare were supplemental programs, not entitlements, and cut the monthly benefit to $750/person, regardless of income or marriage.

Only radical, truthful proposals will work to save our country. A parent makes tough decisions and redirects behavior; similarly we need politicians to lead, not steal our futures. The current tomfoolery will continue to strengthen the uprising and anger in America and revolution against the elected royalty will occur.


Hypocrisy (03/30/2011)

I consider hypocrisy to be the most appalling and disgusting action someone can take. I believe examples abound like politicians campaigning for family values then engaging in affairs, organized religious leaders looking away from rape by their clergy, preachers wrapped in wealth, or global warming followers driving jets and SUVs. Many on the right are struggling with the hypocrisy of the press; their basis of accusations of liberal bias against the mainstream media. Out of fairness, our media has never been held accountable for any reporting, no matter how inaccurate. With the Libyan conflict though it appears a “wink-wink” of approval has been made to the current administration.

In December 2007, Senator Obama said: “[the] president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.” Shortly thereafter Senator Obama was supported by Senator Joe Biden who pledged to start impeachment proceedings against President Bush if Iran were attacked without congressional approval. Ironically, we find ourselves with the hypocrisy of our President and Vice President doing exactly what they accused Bush of doing. On March 19, 2011 President Obama stated, “Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world.”

Hypocritically the question must be raised as to how Obama could make such a statement, and ignore his prior assertions of Presidential authority. Over the last several weeks uprisings have occurred throughout the Middle East, starting with the self-immolation of a fruit stand worker in Tunisia. Each of the middle-eastern governments has turned on its citizens: Tripoli, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, and of course our oil-rich ally Saudi Arabia. While the President had psychic-like success with his NCAA basketball picks his reason to start a war with a meaningless dictator remains a mystery. Whether or not I agree with Mohammar Qhaddaffi, Libya is a sovereign nation entitled to manage her affairs, or the same principles shall apply to China, Korea, Venezuela, and most of the middle-east. Protected by our media it is easy to see the quick dismissal of the hypocrisy of the situation, as a lover will always look away. “Hypocrisy is a fashionable vice, and all fashionable vices pass for virtue,” – Moliere (1622-1673).

I am Angry

I am angry because it appears no one knows what is going on around them with deficits, rising fuel prices, Islamic radicalization, and Middle East uprising. The most twisted issue is an American society willing to tax food, clothing, and shelter, at the same time as supporting 44-million Americans on food stamps all while watching media celebrities like Charlie Sheen make fools of themselves. It cost an extra “Andrew Jackson” to fill my car today and the mainstream blames fuel prices on the Middle East, but that’s far from the truth. A middle-school look at the readily available data shows a more fundamental reason for the rise, one destroying our lifestyle and future.

Rising fuel prices are simply attributed to three factors: monetary supply, supply and demand, and speculation. Speculation is based on fear in the market which is driven by political unrest around the world. Supply and demand is a direct consequence of emerging economies, hurricanes in the Gulf, or destruction of Middle East oil assets. Although the Middle East uprisings are dominating news reports daily, the current rising prices are truly a function of monetary supply. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke speculated on QE2 in August 2010 and it was officially announced November 4, 2010. Each week I graph crude oil prices and up until August prices were relatively stable, but immediately following QE2’s speculation fuel prices started to rise, increasing more after the official announcement. With the devaluation of our currency, OPEC announced a desire for higher fuel prices to effectively capture the same income. Today’s Middle Eastern uprising is a secondary issue exacerbating the underlying cause of rising fuel prices. Blame our government and central bank, not those fighting for civil liberties.

The solutions being thrown around by political pundits from both sides make no sense and demonstrate politics’ need-to-please, not realistic solutions. Opening strategic reserves is anecdotal to a giving a cancer patient a band-aid. “The Long Emergency,” as James Howard Kunstler writes, has begun and political unrest, failed monetary policies, and a third-world desirous of the same excesses we enjoy will continue to drive oil prices upward. I am angry pop-culture nonsense Tom Brady’s hair and Gaga’s breast milk ice cream exploits resonates more importantly than the collapse of our currency. On November 10, 2010 I wrote, “Gasoline should easily reach $3.40/gallon by April as OPEC is demanding a minimum $100/gallon.” I am angry no one listens.

Together We Thrive?

Together We Thrive?
We must remember Rahm Emanuel’s words, “never let a good crisis go to waste” when examining our President’s speech last week. It is amazing the office of the President, for purposes of offering condolences to the families of six murder victims and 14 injured, could exploit the opportunity to start the 2012 Presidential campaign. Can you imagine planning a speech for a country dealing with a heinous massacre and yet giving thought to producing 13,000 Tee-Shirts with the political slogan, “Together we Thrive”? I am concerned so many feel willing to give the political establishment a pass, in fact admire them for tactless, grotesque behavior so obviously filled with self promotion over those they govern. I remain steadfast in my opinion that leader’s rise naturally by supporting and promoting their followers; not seeking the glory of the limelight or by utilizing and politicizing opportunities. What are the odds Congressman Giffords opened her eyes after President Obama’s visit, leaving him to announce it to the country? The news was delivered like a Sunday morning preacher telling his flock what they want to hear and consumed without suspicion regarding this questionable coincidence.

Sadly, the politicization of Tucson was unavoidable, and I am too young to make comparisons to similar assassination attempts like Reagan, Ford, Wallace, King, Kennedy, Malcom X, Truman, Long, Roosevelt F., Roosevelt T., McKinley, or Garfield. The reporting of such events prior to Kennedy was primarily via radio and newspaper, and Kennedy’s assassination brought us the immortalized words of Walter Cronkite, but without opinion and speculation. The common theme in all of these attacks trends as a mentally deranged individual acting independently, seeking attention and lashing out at society. Last week, there was no need for the President’s call to examine the discourse of self-governance, or to repeatedly mention a need to prompt reflection and debate. In short, a single, mentally ill man, Jared Lee Loughner killed six people and the wheels of justice will run him over and serve the appropriate sentence. In the meantime, the reporters and trusted news pundits should be held accountable for inaccurate reporting and we should be disgusted by the President’s abuse of a sad event. We the people should encourage our elected officials to steer clear of the politics and calls for limits on free speech and restrictions on guns; instead understanding there are sick individuals among our 300 million and the actions of one do not represent groups, beliefs, or politics.

Welcome Back

Welcome Back
The 112th Congress began last week and last Monday night I found myself watching C-Span replaying Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s inaugural speech to the 111th Congress. In January 2008 we were on the cusp of driving over an unforeseen cliff into financial armegeddon. Therefore I wonder if Ms. Pelosi’s speech was sincere in its lofty promises regarding spending. She did manage to accomplish many of her goals including the passage of national health care. However, her single biggest failure was the blatant spending, supporting increases and propelling the national debt higher by $5.3 trillion dollars. One can easily argue it was not her fault, the financial crisis created a historic problem requiring spending unprecedented monies.

This past November Ms. Pelosi was re-elected by the constituents of the ultra-liberal California Bay Area 8th district identifying gay rights, social programs, and government intervention as the solution to America’s problems. On the other hand, also welcomed back was Rep. John Boehner, Pelosi’s outspoken critic in the House and the new House Speaker. The 112th Congress comes to Washington with great expectations to generate jobs, protect our soldiers, and provide tax relief. Influenced by the Tea Party movement Congress started its session with a historic reading of the Constitution to remind members our founding fathers had a vision for a great republic, guided by fiscal conservatism, and relief from tyranny. I applaud the efforts to require all new bills cite the Constitutional authority given to Congress to enact it. With this citation the legislature would no longer spend many nay years awaiting the judiciary’s decision to overturn unconstitutional legislation.

Sadly it appears we remain at a crossroads in American politics as even a reading of the Constitution is called pompous theater by the likes of the New York Times. Regarding the 112th’s efforts, much debate will take place regarding the “Constitutionality” of their proposed actions, and only one man knows the intent of the Constitution although many consider that intent clear. I welcome back the members of Congress and hope they will look to Jefferson’s writings to protect our future, “Our tenet ever was…that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, …was never meant that they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action; consequently, that the specification of powers is a limitation of the purposes for which they may raise money.” – Thomas Jefferson, 1817.