George Bush’s Worst Decision

During the eight years of the George W. Bush presidency America changed significantly. Conservatives claim economic policies worked, but many were inherited from Bill Clinton. They claim the representation of smaller government fueled the economic boom of the aughts, but the truth is the largest expansion of government services and spending took place, until President Obama exponentially eclipsed those figures, and America’s civil liberties were willfully eroded. Repeatedly I have written about exchanging our liberties for the perception of safety, but no president did more to change our view of the world than “W” in the months and years following September 11th, 2001.

Congress immediately started working on the Patriot Act after the September 11th attacks. Even government marketing proponents make it hard to argue because it would make one “unpatriotic” to disagree. Among the worst elements of the Patriot Act that stole liberties was Title II, covering surveillance procedures. Although one could hope the original intent was to provide additional surveillance on enemies of the United States, the enhancements contained within this statute expanded the scope and availability of wiretapping and surveillance orders. Subpoenas delivered to internet service providers were expanded to include not only “the name, address, local and long distance telephone toll billing records, telephone number or other subscriber number or identity, and length of service of a subscriber” but also session times and durations, types of services used, communication device address information, payment method and bank account and credit card numbers.

Several other sections of the Patriot Act, Title III, anti-money-laundering to prevent terrorism, and Title IV, border security, have changed our daily lives. When dealing with any financial institution we must provide proof of American citizenship to open an account. Cash transactions in excess of $10,000 must be reported, and all brokers and bankers are trained to spy on you – ordered to report any odd patterns in financial transactions. Border security has limited our ability to take a weekend jaunt to the Bahamas, requiring a passport to return to our own country.

Finally, the most notorious provision in the Patriot Act is Title VIII, the Terrorism Criminal Law. It redefined the term “domestic terrorism” to broadly include mass destruction as well as assassination or kidnapping as a terrorist activity. The definition includes activities intended to “intimidate or coerce a civilian population,” “influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion,” or are undertaken “to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping” while in the jurisdiction of the United States. On one hand, under the guise of the attacks of September 11th, the provision arguably makes sense to allow prosecution of the foreign terrorists. However, a dramatic shift has recently taken place by the current party in power to invoke the elements of this section and call into question the activities of Americans peacefully protesting and asserting their First Amendment rights to free speech. Both Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and former President Bill Clinton have referred to citizens engaging in tax protests, arguing against health care, or disagreeing with the current administration as domestic terrorists.

Our government is asserting power it was never intended to have and I believe the Founding Fathers would be appalled at the efforts currently underway. It appears George Bush’s legacy is shrouded in reigning in the citizens of the United States, to control them and create an environment focused on monitoring and surveillance. The First Amendment is no longer about freedom of speech, to willfully speak, but containment of speech within the bounds of the Patriot Act.

More from Big Brother

Published 4/21/2010

On April 8th an article appeared in USA Today about a court case involving the release of aircraft tail numbers through a Freedom of Information Act filing. In summary, the FAA tracks tail numbers of aircraft flight plans, this data is fed to a computer system and is available on public web sites like The FAA stores this information for a period of 90 days and ultimately purges it from their systems. Commercial, corporate and private flights are all tracked. As web sites and internet usage became more prevalent over the last 15 years, so did concerns over privacy; prompting the National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA) to work with the FAA to provide a mechanism to block tail numbers from public view. Without reason, a person or company could request this protection. Why, you might wonder? Prior to the protection, the most obvious examinations of the data were businesses spying on competitors, and stalking of high-profile individuals.

My concern in this court case is the misuse of information and the right to privacy. The successful argument to obtain data was made under the argument the air traffic control system is public and therefore no justification exists for a public entity to protect, or block the elements of this data. With the current populist movement taking place in America though one must wonder how many liberties citizens are willing to give up in the name of public information. It is easy to argue this data should be public when promoting anger at rich executives over the use of their expensive aircraft. However, the stockholders elect the Board of Directors who protects the use of assets within a company, and therefore makes companies more profitable, funding pension plans and retirement for millions. For whatever purpose: stalking, tracking competition, or as a hobby though one must wonder where the line is between privacy and public interest.

Similar to tail number tracking, several months ago I wrote about municipalities purchasing camera systems to scan and collect license plate information. In this case the municipalities argue the data will be purged within 30-60 days and the purpose of collection is for the public interest of tracking criminal activity. In my opinion it is easy to leap to the same conclusion as the FAA data, information collected by a public entity, for whatever purpose and regardless of whether it is purged, shall be made public. In our capitalistic society it won’t take long for a savvy web programmer to build a database, real-time feed, and search engine to make license plate data available. Like Flightaware, linking this to the owner of record, again a public DOT database, and make, model, and color of car will be effortless. Of course, with a date and time stamp of location from traffic cameras, using these data collection sites to know a person’s whereabouts at any time will be effortless. Thus, an employer can monitor whether a work from home employee is out and about during the day, or a divorce case could use such data to focus on the whereabouts of a spouse, or the paparazzi would know where an individual frequents.

I have previously quoted Ben Franklin regarding trading liberty for safety and my concerns remain the same. I see a trend, one where we willingly allow ourselves to be tracked, whether for credit bureaus, healthcare databases, aircraft travel or driving a car. We are now a society under constant monitoring and surveillance, and we willingly participated. In this case it is not law enforcement, but angry, jealous citizens watching each other.

Race Horses and Jackasses

Published 4/14/2010

A race horse is a beautiful animal, treated with care and coveted by its owner and caretaker. In return for all of the positive attention this animal will run hard and fast, win races, and in some cases bring home millions of dollars in winnings. By contrast, a jackass is not as beautiful, he’s stubborn, and typically abused to get work done. My friend Barry once shared with me a saying his attorney told him about divorce court, “ex-wives should treat their ex-husbands like race horses and they will bring home the winnings. Instead, too many ex-wives take them for granted, don’t appreciate them, and make their lives hard, treating them like jackasses so they act like jackasses.” In my opinion, any relationship could be described the same way: employer and employee, husband and wife, parents and teenager. I would also say the same holds true in politics and the current members of Congress seem to have started treating constituents like mules to do work. Ironically it seems to be the party that uses a donkey to represent itself that has taken this approach.

I must offer, the poster child for audacity and egotism in the Democrat party is local Congressman Alan Grayson. Orlando television station WFTV reported his outburst at a Perkins Family restaurant where a small group of his republican constituents were meeting. There are two sides to every story, but Grayson continues to build a reputation built on insults, outlandish statements, and ignorance of his constituents. In the video he states he knows exactly what his constituents are worth when he says, “There are 308 million people that pay my salary ($174,000/yr). Do you know what that breaks down to per person?” A little quick math shows Grayson knows it is $0.0006 per person. To me, it sounds like Grayson considers his constituents valueless mules, not successful race horses.

The Democrats faced supposed name calling and threats as a result of passing healthcare. In the aftermath of disregarding the legislative process for the sake of unilaterally passing an agenda disliked by the majority of American people they have reacted with surprise to the dislike for their actions, both as a party and personally. But, hell bent on passage they treated the American people with disrespect and total disregard. Thus, not listening and treating constituents like jackasses instead of race horses that bring home winnings has come back to haunt them. In the days after healthcare passage the media reported how horrible treatment had been including threats and racial slurs against Congressmen. With thousands of people on hand, from both sides, that afternoon it is amazing not a single video or recording has been forthcoming offering proof.

From the Republican side the best example of failing to treat others like race horses would come down to the floor debates regarding healthcare. At the same time though, no personal attacks were made in that venue, but there are those on the blogging and reporting side that offered up more questionable statements.

As children we are all taught the Golden Rule. However, researching this column and having watched the recent political process I would assert the disregard for the constituency comes not from personal hatred but understanding how little we are valued when compared to the lobbyists offering millions of dollars. Even if every citizen of Volusia County pulled together against our own Congresswoman Kozmas, by Congressman Grayson’s math the influence on her would only be about $300. I guess Grayson, Kozmas, and every other Congressman can afford to treat constituents like jackasses.

What’s Happening?

Published in the Observer 4/7/2010

The last two weeks since the passage of Obamacare have been rather odd if you follow the news closely. But it is not just Obamacare driving the craziness around us; other issues have made it to the forefront of the news which should pique interest. I did note Reid and Pelosi appear missing and the President has become the spokesman for reassuring the American people they will be cared for life now. Covered in the Washington Post Saturday was President Obama’s 17-minute rambling explanation about healthcare and taxes in Charlotte, North Carolina trying to once again explain the benefits of Obamacare and why taxes must increase. Instead of trying to justify the 2,000 page Obamacare bill, the President Obama should learn from Thomas Jefferson, “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”

As I write this article, I am watching a news report regarding the Catholic Church. The scandal rocking the church right now is nothing new though, it is the same pedophile acts that have made news headlines in the United States. I don’t understand how anyone can act surprised when it seems to be a disease of this religion, not just a new, isolated event. For example, movies have been made about past abuses and often the Priests are targets of jokes regarding children. This time, the scandal does not stop at a local Parish but appears to go to the highest ranks of the Vatican. Maybe change will come; for years it appears church members have struggled to speak out against these crimes and even now, the Church is working to stop media coverage under accusations of defamation. “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent,” Thomas Jefferson.

In the world of crazy dictators both Chavez (Venezuela) and Ahmadinejad (Iran) made the news this past week. On one hand, it’s hard to take either dictator seriously, but yet they make headlines. President Chavez entertained Russia’s Prime Minister Putin, met with Russian troops and spoke to them through translators. Why would these two countries build a relationship? Because Russia has technology and Venezuela has oil monies. Last week the focus was a proposal for Russia to supply space and weapons technologies to Venezuela. This proposal is laughable as the country itself has energy problems, but should still be taken seriously. Chavez has increasingly built relationships with Iran, China, and Russia and worked to push himself away from the United States. Similarly, Iran’s President Ahmadinejad stated he is more determined than ever to make Iran’s nuclear program successful. Like a defiant child he is empowered by the threat to stop him and thus continues to aggressively pursue a nuclear weapons program. Although the United States publicly pokes fun at both countries, they continue to slowly work toward their goals and appear to achieve some success. “An enemy generally says and believes what he wishes,” Thomas Jefferson.

The commonality of Ahmadinejad, Chavez, the Catholic Church, and Obama is they all believe their demagoguery. Like Jim Jones, they want the people to follow them, and to question their actions is not seen as debate but as enemies of the state. I am hopeful people around the world, and here in the United States, have awakened to the rhetoric pontificated to us. “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day,” Thomas Jefferson.

Third Party Politics

Published in the Observer 3/31/2010

My wife and I watched a movie this weekend about a recent third party presidential candidate. Although we have had third party candidates for many decades, and throughout American politics, since the 1830’s the establishment of the two party system has dominated the American political process. Often the third party candidate has no more effect than “spoiler” for one of the major parties, such as Perot hurting the Republicans or Nader hurting the Democrats. Over time I would assert the public’s view of third party candidates has become one of ridicule. Sadly, if citizens would take time to listen these “spoilers” typically have more wisdom and validity to their point than their mainstream opponents.

A commonality between third party candidates is their claim that the two major parties are more alike than different. Glenn Beck regularly makes these claims, pointing to both parties giving their allegiance to major corporations and political benefactors, not the American people. Ralph Nader made similar claims in his campaign as a Green Party candidate in 2000. Democrats demonize Nader as a spoiler who should have supported Al Gore and hurt the party with his insistence that Al Gore and George W. Bush were “Tweedledee and Tweedledum”–they look and act the same, so it doesn’t matter which you get. Republicans similarly cried foul when Ross Perot took his campaign to the American people in his famous infomercials. Ultimately, he won 18.9% of the popular vote in 1992; the most for a third party candidate since Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, but not a single electoral vote was awarded to him.

Revolution is sewn in the seeds of discontent and it would appear those seeds are currently strewn across America as the “Tea Party” movement may be the next major opportunity for a successful third party candidate to be born into the American forefront. However, three major obstacles face this opportunity. I believe the first will be the hardest to overcome, the media. As our newspapers and televisions have suffered over the last two decades they have slowly been swallowed by a handful of major corporations that now dictate the news we see. Thus, news is no longer news, but a carefully controlled message. We know the New York Times singlehandedly contributed to the successfully election of Barak Obama by not running stories about his association with ACORN. Similarly, Ralph Nader’s campaign was pushed to the back pages of the NY Times in 2000, and no mention was made on the major networks unless it was to discuss his role as spoiler. Second, the balloting rules of individual states and the Electoral College are inherently designed to prevent a third party candidate from succeeding. In America, our vote for President does not matter and is only recorded for discussion; the Electoral College elects the President. Third, the Commission on Presidential Debates will determine who participates in the debate process. Nader learned the hard way in 2000, as he could not debate the other candidates.

Ironically, one of the most admired Presidents in American history was the last third party candidate to win election; Abraham Lincoln won in 1860 on the ticket of the 8 year old Republican Party. I must wonder how many opportunities for great leaders have been missed in the last 140 years due to our system we call “democracy”. As Congress and the President continue to move against the wishes of the American people I believe voters will take a stronger look at candidates that look less like the established political parties.

Politics and Science

Politics and Science

Published in the Observer 3/24/2010

Throughout history major corporations, governments, and philanthropists have played a role in funding scientific research. Funding is required to pay salaries, buy materials, and ultimately sustain research; therefore it is reasonable to expect the funding of research to be driven by self-interest. My favorite example would be the story of Archimedes discovering the concept of density to confirm King Hiero had been swindled in making his gold crown. The outcome of his research confirmed King Hiero’s concerns, and history benefitted from the discovery of the principle of density. We should be concerned when subjectivity in science overrules objectivity. The scientific method clearly outlines the objective process for creating a hypothesis, testing, analyzing data, and making valid conclusions.

I worked as an engineer, have a minor in mathematics, and am an expert in statistics, thus I believe I am well qualified to look at a set of data and make conclusions using experience and knowledge. However, I am not an expert in every field, nor is anyone. Therefore, I trust scientists to objectively examine data and come to valid conclusions. Under review, publishing, a peer process exists to monitor the scientific community. However, concern arises when this process is called into question and therefore raises doubts about conclusions and recommendations. If the conclusions are used to effect public policy the method and authorities providing the information must be trustworthy and verifiable. Continue reading…

The Good Old Days

The Good Old Days

In my lifetime I never thought I would refer to “when times were good”, or “the good old days,” terms I always thought were left to my grandparents. Of course, some life experience is required before such a reference can be made and this might also mean I am getting older. Without a doubt we can now have conversations that start with the statement, “when times were good” and instantly pinpoint a reference we all understand. Curiously, when riding the euphoria of economic success it is easy to ignore the impending potential crash. Although the one year anniversary of the stock market low was just last week, it was the peak of November 2007 that defines the tombstone of good times. Since then personal experience through home loss, job loss, bankruptcy, asset sales, and moving have defined America. Most of us know someone touched by the recession and we will forever be influenced by what is happening around us.

Just recently I have been in several conversations where the words “when times were good” were stated. The first time I paused momentarily, but everyone present understood what was said. The next day the same scenario similarly repeated itself and I realized something important had happened. Essentially, the most recent economic downturn has cemented in our minds a change and we are living through a time which only the rearview mirror of history will provide a true opinion. Unlike Pearl Harbor Day or September 11th, it will take years to understand the Great Recession of 2008-2010. Although hardships are upon many Americans, a theme of ignoring mainstreet has developed. Looking at history of the Great Depression of the 1930s brings similar observations. For example, 1930 and 1931 provide numerous examples of President Hoover and Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon assuring the people the worst was over and prosperity was right around the corner. In a May 1, 1930 statement, Hoover said, “While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty of the future of a people of the resources, intelligence and character of the people of the United States – that is, prosperity.”

History has an uncanny ability to repeat itself, but yet we fail to learn from our experiences. At one level those living in the government and financial centers of our country seem to enjoy uncontrolled spending, record deficits, market highs, profits, and record bonuses. For the rest of us, business closings, vacant office space, abandoned homes, increasing food and fuel costs, and unemployment seem to be the norm. “I see no reason why 1931 should not be an extremely good year.” – Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. of General Motors Co. stated in November 1930. Week after week we see conflicting economic news streaming at us, reports of increased consumer spending for February indicate despite snowstorms we reached in our pockets to spend money, but contradictorily consumer sentiment dropped.

My point is we have to wonder how the current economic environment will shape our own lives and futures. Our children may never know “when times were good” if our economy stagnates like the 1930s. My confidence in massive spending at levels never before seen is low, because there are always consequences to every action. Future generations will have to pay for this administration’s actions either through taxes or inflation as there is no other way to slow the velocity of increase in the money supply. A cloud hangs over our economy and future; I wish things were like “the good old days.”

Incremental Destruction

Never underestimate the power of incrementalism or “shock” negotiation, effective methods to promote an agenda, even when fully opposed. Generally this seems too far-fetched for people to believe because they fall victim to the idea certain changes could never take place in America. For years I have asserted this is an effective method for change and destructive to our lifestyle and freedoms. Currently we are confronted with a plethora of assaults on our liberties, and when faced with a full assault, gaining any concessions makes it feel like a battle has been won, although loss occurred.

Examples of this incremental assault are obvious, our banks and automakers have been nationalized. You may be tempted to cry foul on this assertion, but we know the stories over the past year with the CEO of General Motors having been fired by the POTUS and the American taxpayer becoming the largest stockholder of GM. We have watched votes in Congress pushed through under cover of night, in contradiction to the President’s claim to make bills available online for five days before signing. Last week Democrats reiterated plans to move forward with healthcare, regardless of support from the minority party, or the people. The latest Rasmussen Poll, March 1, 2010, shows “52% of U.S. voters continue to oppose the plan proposed by the president and congressional Democrats.” When President Obama won the election by 53% of the popular vote he claimed he had a “clear mandate” from the people. By the same thought process, I would claim Congress and the President have a “clear mandate” from the people to stop healthcare.

In the early 1980’s proposals for a national identity system were proposed. Quickly this idea was squashed by public opinion and concerns over “1984” becoming the norm. Something else happened though and a national identity system slowly materialized. Today, you can not apply for insurance, attend college, get a loan, apply for a credit card, or apply for a gun license without providing a social security number. Incrementally, a national identity system successfully came into our lives. It took about fifteen years to become normal, with citizens willfully providing this information, “many medical providers are using the SSN as a patient identifier, thus hardening the number as a de facto national identifier,” testified by David Miller before the National Committee on Vital Health Statistics in a hearing in Chicago, Jul. 21, 1998.

I have previously discussed the intrusion of video cameras into all aspects of our lives. I personally noted this during the last week: at an intersection where I counted six cameras atop traffic lights, and a Wal-Mart where 17 separate cameras monitored the parking lot. Reiterating this concern further was a March 3, 2010 USA Today article, “Police partner with license plate readers.” In this article many municipalities are identified with the technology promoting claims to stop stolen vehicles and monitor crimes. Arguably, these governments have an opportunity to first increase revenue in these dire economic times, but more importantly they may track and save vehicle movements for potential misuse at a later date.

Over many objections our government continues to defy the wants of its citizens. Incrementally, through legislation, systems abuses of social security, monitoring citizens with cameras, and using the courts to re-interpret legislation and constitutionality, my children will never know what freedom is. Their lives will be changed by constant monitoring, national identity, and nanny-state mandates more akin to movies like “1984” and “Brazil”. Incrementally, tyranny is becoming the new normal, but yet we feel relief to have any freedom left.



The last few weeks I have touched on three key topics and want to revisit them today as each has made headlines, reiterating my concerns, or in one case giving hope and contradicting my thoughts. Last week I touched on energy policy, the failure of the Department of Energy to meet its mandate by President Carter, and cornucopian ignorance by conservatives. The prior week I alerted you to my concern over failing state governments. Three weeks ago I hit on the issue of entertainment and sports prevailing as the interest to Americans instead of citizenship. I typically write this column on the weekend preceding publication so it has been fascinating to watch thoughts, predictions, and trends materialize.

Snowstorms battered the mid-Atlantic and northeast again this past week reiterating my focus on state governments running budget deficits and the upcoming economic malaise. The same week I wrote my column the governors of the states met and voiced concern over impending shortfalls. In world headlines, Greece continues to make the news, but the state of California is the eighth largest economy in the world and remains on the brink of failure. On the U.S. east coast snowstorms may bankrupt individual states. For example, Georgia has no budget for snow removal but has spent $5 million. Virginia has suffered; outspending its $79 million snow removal budget by another $70 million. Those are critical monies ordinarily available for social services, schools, libraries, and road maintenance. In Virginia, the state Continue reading…

Energy Policy

America’s energy policy over the last 40 years has been lacking direction, but President Obama took a big step forward last week. Prior to 1972 America was an exporter of oil, not only supplying all of our own needs but exporting oil to other countries. It is hard to imagine, but in the early 20th century oil literally flowed to the top of the ground in places like Pennsylvania, no wells, no deep sea drilling; it could be had by scraping it off the ground. In 1956 a geophysicist, Dr. M. King Hubbert predicted by 1970 America would reach its “peak”, the point where U.S. oil production would peak. However, the concept of “Peak Oil” is scoffed at since we continue to discover more oil reserves, dismissing that every new barrel costs more to obtain than the previous. In 1973 the OPEC crisis catalyzed our country’s quest for energy independence; seven presidents since influenced America’s energy policies, but yet we remain hostage to foreign sources.

In 1977 President Carter created the Department of Energy; a bloated bureaucracy failing to meet its original mandate. Specifically, the DOE was created to ensure “the U.S. will never again import as much oil as it did in 1977.” At its creation, America imported 8.6 million bbls/day, now we import 10.4 million bbls/day. The DOE has grown from zero employees and zero budget to over 16,000 taxpayer paid civil servants, 100,000 contractors and an annual budget of $28 billion. Today America remains as dependent on foreign sources of energy as in 1977. Contrastingly, President Reagan brought a different view to office regarding energy. Sadly, his view is one that has stayed with Republicans during the last 25 years. Regan, a cornucopian, believed an innovative, technological solution, would appear in time to save us from the tragedy of our misdeeds. Of course, President Reagan, and his British counterpart Margaret Thatcher, were saved by the huge North Sea oil discoveries in the 1980s. Thus, the UK had a thriving economy and postponed energy policy decisions and likewise America did the same.

In the summer of 2008 every American received a wake-up call to energy policy. Stunned, we watched the price of gasoline at the pump soar past $4.00/gallon, considered buying “Smart” cars and left the SUV in the garage. Of course, this brought out the charlatans and snake-oil salesmen seeking government monies and investors for wind farms, off-shore wave generators, battery powered cars, oil sands recovery, and the now famous food-for-fuel, or ethanol disaster. However, grabbing a calculator and doing some math will show many of these methods require more energy than produced, do more environmental damage, or are just silly when considering large-scale implementation.

This past week President Obama made an excellent decision regarding energy policy; announcing $8.3 billion in loan guarantees to build two nuclear reactors in Georgia, the first in the U.S. in 30 years. Ironically, it is a decision that defies his party’s typical philosophy regarding nuclear energy and I am certain the likes of Jane Fonda, and the rest of the anti-nuke crowd, are troubled by this. However, the Hollywood crowd driving Toyota Prius automobiles must understand their energy requirements will come from the “grid”. President Obama, as a Senator and candidate, has consistently supported nuclear power. I would suggest the President add geo-thermal energy to the quest for clean-energy independence. With the unspent stimulus monies President Obama could focus a moonwalk like quest on energy and lead us out of recession and away from dependence on our enemies in the middle-east and South America.