
The King’s Speech

The King’s Speech (04/20/2011)

I have never been as angry after a President’s speech as I was last week. Being forthright, I do not like Obama, never have, and never will. I believe he was unqualified to lead our country, has blamed others for his failures, will not hold himself accountable, and ultimately we disagree on the direction our country should go. Furthermore, I believe the Republicans have nothing different to offer than to protect their own interests and continue stealing our freedoms.

The King had an opportunity to win the American people over to the proposals for our future. Our fiscal situation is dire, inflation is increasing, wages are falling, energy and food prices are increasing, the Democrats have proposed spending $1.4 trillion more than tax revenues will produce, and in just 2 years the King and his court have increased the national debt 33%. The Jester, John Boehner, bragged regarding the bipartisan budget agreement, largest in history, but that lie only survived a week. The CBO reported the “real” cuts are only $352 million, less than 1% of the lie put to us.

The King, Jester, court, and sleeping beauty (Joe Biden) know how government works; let me explain. Let’s say you and I spend $100/month on eating out and decide next month we will budget $50 more dollars for dining. Using government accounting if we reduce the total budget to $120, we “saved” $30! There were no cuts; we just didn’t spend what we planned to, unlike spending $70 you and I would have inferred. Because my children’s future is in peril let me propose true government responsibility: mandatory 15% income tax for everyone, 20% for all corporations, and reducing the tax code to just one page as there will be no deductions of any kind. Second, eliminate the Departments of Energy, Education, Interior, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services. Third, close all foreign military bases. Fourth, eliminate public funding of arts, Planned Parenthood, charitable programs, and any constitutionally questionable program. Fifth, cut all Congressional member and staff budgets and salaries by 50%. Sixth, eliminate all civil service pension plans and special medical plans. Seventh, remind our elderly that Social Security and Medicare were supplemental programs, not entitlements, and cut the monthly benefit to $750/person, regardless of income or marriage.

Only radical, truthful proposals will work to save our country. A parent makes tough decisions and redirects behavior; similarly we need politicians to lead, not steal our futures. The current tomfoolery will continue to strengthen the uprising and anger in America and revolution against the elected royalty will occur.


I debated whether to offer an opinion regarding Wisconsin, but knew I could not let go of this protest. I am impressed with the 65,000 plus protesters that believe in something strong enough to brave the cold. More important to see debate with such passion engaging on our own soil gives me hope toward future revolution against our government and the tyranny we face. It appears the press – from the left and right, have managed to blur the issue at hand as there only appears two possible opposing views when tapping MSNBC or Fox News. I hypothesize three parties are now at war in this country: Public Servants, the Ruling Elite (executive pay), and the Private Sector. Thus, a two pointed perspective does not work and furthermore the issue at hand is not about trimming union rights, but re-aligning public servant compensation.

Austerity measures will generate class warfare and in this Great Recession the compensation of the three parties has diverged greatly. Executive pay remained safe and increased greatly and Public Service payrolls have increased far greater than private payrolls. On the other hand, the Private Sector has suffered irreplaceable job losses, flat wages and lives in fear of a pink slip delivery tomorrow. At the same time the Private Sector is asked to pay more income tax, more sales tax, more property tax, and more fees to pay for the perpetuation of Public Service compensation programs and to bailout reckless executives who lost gambling bets against the masses during the debt fueled frenzy.

Ancient Rome succeeded through an ever expanding territorial economy fueling the wants and desires of Caesar. The masses found relief through entertainment at the Coliseum and a sense of safety, but yet traded liberty for trite compensation. Similarly, America is like Rome; rich Senators, a small ruling class, and wealth obtained for a few due to the destruction of others. Our masses are entertained by media and sports, not taking time to understand the reason behind the need for change. Like Rome our public servants are protected by a never ending spigot of tax dollars and turn against the working class and income earners for whom they supposedly serve.

It is forgotten that our children will ultimately pay the price. Something is happening in America right now, and it started with the bursting of the debt bubble three years ago. Denial has not worked and protests will become more common, maybe leading to revolution. I am concerned for my children’s future and cannot imagine the tax burden, inflation, and tyranny they will face if we do not stop opposing the protesters in Wisconsin.

Cairo – Do Americans Riot?

Cairo – Do Americans Riot?

Several weeks ago uprisings in Tunisia dominated the evening news and daily papers. Most Americans are quick to dismiss such events, and why not? Steven Tyler’s performance on “American Idol” or the choosing of 20-something millionaires to play in the Super Bowl delude the masses; appearing far more important than citizens risking their lives for freedom. I too have felt the challenge to understand, but in college I watched Chinese students challenge communist regime and ultimately give their lives in Tiananmen Square to demonstrate the human rights violations of their government. Growing up I knew the communists of the U.S.S.R. regularly violated individual freedoms and imprisoned citizens behind the iron curtain. Through Hollywood movies I learned more about the fight after World War II and my history classes tried to explain the actions of authoritarianism and dictatorships.

Although many arguments about the cause may be made, the issues in Cairo this week are driven by 30 years of authoritarian rule under President Hosni Mubarak and a discontent youth rebelling against his authority. But the recent riots are not new, and by no means ultimately represent the underlying problems in a country desirous of democracy but operating with an ancient mentality. On November 24, 2010 a Christian was killed, 100 arrested and 3,000 demonstrators protested the razing of a new Christian church built without a permit. Under Ottoman law a permit is required to build a Christian church, in contrast Mosques are built easily and regularly without review of a state authority. Today many assertions are being made in the media that the riots are religious in nature, but local reporting and blogging, held an opposite view. Instead, the riots are the result of 30 years of oppression and dictatorship and inspired by the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia.

As the World’s policeman the American citizenry believes our own government is above such actions and the riots we watch overseas could not occur here. My wife and I had a conversation this week about Americans and whether riots would take place here. Coincidentally I am reading a book, “The Emerging Police State” by William Kunstler and together we watched “Battle in Seattle,” chronicling protests against the World Trade Organization. Skeptically I listen to the outrageous conspiracy claims of Alex Jones and wonder if any truth inspires. As I learn more though I have discovered striking parallels between the radical claims of the left and the right; the common thread leading to a questioning of our government’s actions. Uprisings have occurred on our soil, and many are similar to Egypt: spurred by youth and ideological believers desperate for change and an opportunity to be heard. Sadly, like Egypt, death has come upon those who question the United States government or the corporations profiting and seeking protections through the rule of law.

Kunstler’s book is a compilation of speeches made through the years and inspired by his battles for justice. In my opinion it is easy to condemn the actions of those we do not like, but it is more important to defend the application of justice when we like it least. From a speech in 1971, with memories of Kent State fresh, long forgotten to the annals of time and unknown to anyone under age 40 today, he indicts the government for condoning the slaughter of unarmed students, using the law to fabricate evidence and justify its actions. In the most disgusting example, the Grand Jury which is supposed to provide protection from the law, but serves as an agency of the government, found the National Guard justified in shooting, although no student sniper existed and it was a Major’s discharge of his sidearm that prompted spraying the crowd with bullets. Furthermore, the Grand Jury recommended .22-caliber bullets should be used against future student demonstrators instead of the larger, more harmful caliber M-1.

Forty years later, in the summer of 2010, Pittsburg was shut down and noise suppression cannons were used to hold off G-20 demonstrators. No one was killed, but our government has mechanisms to slow and prevent demonstrations. Likewise, the movie “Battle in Seattle” shows the offensive measures police and National Guard took against WTO protesters in 1999. Since then “Exclusion Zones” have been created and are defined as “areas where protesters are legally prohibited.” A quick read of the Bill of Rights contradicts this as the Congress was prohibited from passing any law interfering with the right to peacefully assemble. Without protest though, we have sheepishly allowed court rulings to support the establishment of Exclusion Zones and Free Speech Zones, often located miles from the desired protest site and set behind concrete barriers, fencing, and razor wire.

Watching from a distance this past week I am concerned our government and media does not condemn Egypt’s actions to shut down the internet and communications. With bi-partisan support the Senate is prepared to again introduce legislation to create an “Internet Kill Switch.” In Egypt stopping communication has become necessary to thwart organizing by protesters. I believe many Americans view such actions as part of their perception of safety, but I counter it is another step in the incremental destruction of our freedoms. When challenged, a congressional white paper on the measure said the proposal prohibits the government from targeting websites for censorship “based solely on activities protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.” Ironically, the same language is used in the Patriot Act.

Our country is radically changing, not in terms of Democrat versus Republican, but government and corporations versus citizenry. Each of the Amendments of the Bill of Rights has been usurped over the last 40 years to protect the state and corporation. Meanwhile we have sat idly by accepting, like children, the supposed safety created in exchange for liberty. We have watched legislation pass that punishes minorities and the indigent in greater numbers. Currently the mainstream populace finds itself victim to the banking, mortgage, and credit fraud perpetrated by the elite few and legitimized by Congress. I challenge you to understand why youth in Egypt are risking their lives against oppression, question why Icelandic people rioted to avoid the indebtedness of the banks, why 170,000 TSA employees have the freedom to ignore the Fourth Amendment, and why both sides of Congress support legislation to cut communications via the Internet. From the comfort of our homes it is safer to let others protest and not put ourselves at risk. I think the answer to my wife’s question about whether Americans riot is easy, “the passionate due, the idle don’t.”

Together We Thrive?

Together We Thrive?
We must remember Rahm Emanuel’s words, “never let a good crisis go to waste” when examining our President’s speech last week. It is amazing the office of the President, for purposes of offering condolences to the families of six murder victims and 14 injured, could exploit the opportunity to start the 2012 Presidential campaign. Can you imagine planning a speech for a country dealing with a heinous massacre and yet giving thought to producing 13,000 Tee-Shirts with the political slogan, “Together we Thrive”? I am concerned so many feel willing to give the political establishment a pass, in fact admire them for tactless, grotesque behavior so obviously filled with self promotion over those they govern. I remain steadfast in my opinion that leader’s rise naturally by supporting and promoting their followers; not seeking the glory of the limelight or by utilizing and politicizing opportunities. What are the odds Congressman Giffords opened her eyes after President Obama’s visit, leaving him to announce it to the country? The news was delivered like a Sunday morning preacher telling his flock what they want to hear and consumed without suspicion regarding this questionable coincidence.

Sadly, the politicization of Tucson was unavoidable, and I am too young to make comparisons to similar assassination attempts like Reagan, Ford, Wallace, King, Kennedy, Malcom X, Truman, Long, Roosevelt F., Roosevelt T., McKinley, or Garfield. The reporting of such events prior to Kennedy was primarily via radio and newspaper, and Kennedy’s assassination brought us the immortalized words of Walter Cronkite, but without opinion and speculation. The common theme in all of these attacks trends as a mentally deranged individual acting independently, seeking attention and lashing out at society. Last week, there was no need for the President’s call to examine the discourse of self-governance, or to repeatedly mention a need to prompt reflection and debate. In short, a single, mentally ill man, Jared Lee Loughner killed six people and the wheels of justice will run him over and serve the appropriate sentence. In the meantime, the reporters and trusted news pundits should be held accountable for inaccurate reporting and we should be disgusted by the President’s abuse of a sad event. We the people should encourage our elected officials to steer clear of the politics and calls for limits on free speech and restrictions on guns; instead understanding there are sick individuals among our 300 million and the actions of one do not represent groups, beliefs, or politics.

Ants and Grasshoppers

Ants and Grasshoppers

I dictated this column ten days ago when the TSA backlash was first starting. Since 9/11 I have been questioning the policies of George Bush and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. In October 2002 I had a letter published in the News-Journal predicting new airport security measures were similar to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Removing shoes came next, I tried to resist but after being placed on the “TSA Watch List” and threatened by TSA I ultimately acquiesced and felt alone trying to stop this intrusion. TSA demonstrated its stupidity with its policy on liquids, watching me drink a bottle of Dasani water, clear and pure; requiring its disposal because it will explode.

Several weeks ago I saw a Tampa television station dutifully reporting about a multi-jurisdictional task force at the Greyhound bus station where FHP, TSA, and Border police were checking papers and searching passengers. The week before an Atlanta television station likewise reported about a comparable task force stopping trucks inbound on I-20 to pass through full size X-ray machines, check papers, and be searched. Sadly, Americans willfully reported they were glad to experience the inconvenience and felt safer, and no one seemed to question the right of the government or the warrantless search performed in direct contradiction to the Constitution, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

This issue has moved beyond the requirement for airline security. Bush’s moves after 9/11, in the name of fighting terrorism, stole freedoms from Americans, undoing over 225 years of liberty: the Patriot Act created unprecedented warrantless spying, Homeland Security employees over 200,000 with a budget of $52 billion, and the relatively unknown support of the Courts to establish “Constitution Free Zones”. While you watch your elderly mother, wife, or teenage daughter undergo an intrusive, pat-down search, ask yourself by what authority has the government asserted this right.

The current fight is about the Ant and the Grasshopper, and the general failure of Americans to understand their Constitutional rights. We, the ants, are trying to resist the government grasshopper. If we succeed, we undo years of authoritarian success by the grasshopper.

Burn Qurans

Burn Qurans

I am disappointed this afternoon, Thursday the 9th of September, after reading reports that Pastor Terry Jones has announced his church will not burn the Quran on Saturday, September 11th, the ninth anniversary of the day America was attacked by Muslim extremists. Last week I wrote in support of the project in New York, building a mosque at Ground Zero. Constitutionally the right to build the Mosque is guaranteed; however distasteful. Similarly, Pastor Jones’ right to burn the Quran is guaranteed; again, however distasteful. I would hope our military could defend itself, but that appears questionable based on public comments.

What truly concerns me is the world’s willingness to cow tow to the Muslim extremists and threats. Are we to believe the world’s largest superpower, the USA, and our western allies cannot defend citizens against threats from religious zealots who have become a political movement set on killing all who disagree with them? President Kennedy’s Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, said “appeasing the aggressor only makes him more aggressive.” Repeatedly, this political movement, called Islam, has attacked innocent civilians worldwide: December 1992 in Yemen, 1993 WTC in New York, 1998 Kenya and Tanzania US Embassies killing 200 and injuring 5000, October 2000 USS Cole, 2000 Rizal Day Bombings in the Philippines, WTC 9/11/2001, 2007 Algiers Bombing, 2008 Danish Embassy, and the 2009 Little Rock Arkansas Recruitment building. Additionally, although not tied directly to Al-Qaeda, the Ft. Hood Massacre, failed 2009 Northwest Airlines bombing, and the failed Times Square bombing were also in “the name of Allah.”

Our President offers apologies to the nations of the world that oppress their mothers, daughters, and wives. The same nations with state established religion, censorship, and political oppression. He finds reasons to coddle our enemies, fails to retaliate, and explains we will withdraw troops to satisfy the demands of the petroleum-based kingdoms harboring the Jihadists who hate us. Our enemy issues “fatwa” for denigrating their political idols and writings, Muhammad, Allah and the Quran. Just check with Solomon Rushdie and the creators of South Park. Pastor Jones is considered by many a red-neck racist extremist; maybe he is a guy with the cojones to stand up to our enemy. Most saddening is General Patreaus’ concern for troop safety which makes me wonder who is winning the war. It appears 2,983 died on 9/11/2001 in vain and there can only be one conclusion: we must all live in fear of Islam.

Obama is Right

Obama is Right

This is probably the most concerning column I have written, not because I agree with the President but because the issue is sensitive, to both sides. Currently, whether to build Park51 (a.k.a. Ground Zero Mosque) is driving passionate public debates. Hesitantly, President Obama voiced his opinion two weeks ago when he said the right to build the project was constitutionally protected. The following day he made further comments stating while constitutionally protected, it may be in bad taste. I must agree with both of his comments. While it may be in bad taste, I do not believe it is a community center designed to protect, or possibly sympathize to Islamic terrorists as has been asserted by some in the media. Ultimately, the court of public opinion will either empower the developers and those funding the project, or send them packing.

I am disturbed by talk radio pundits flummoxing methods. Other than to inflame an ill-informed public there is no other purpose for the front-page debate. The fallacy of the current argument comes from the presumption if terrorists are Muslim then all Muslims are terrorists. I take issue because living in the south, as a white male; I am stereotyped as a racist redneck by the argument racist rednecks are southern white males. Similarly, a German born in the 1920’s is not automatically a Nazi. What has been lost in the argument propelled center stage is the right to build a place of worship, as protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. The same people who herald the constitution in arguments against healthcare, bailouts, and social programs are quick to stomp the same document when it does not meet their needs.

There are many aspects of the Constitution which may not conveniently fit our desires and likes. However, if we remain consistent in our application, trusting the truths set forth by the founding fathers we will not go wrong. In the case of Park51, it is clear there is no constitutional violation to build. The decision to build is purely local and is governed by the zoning laws, planning commissions, and local electorate. Does it feel good to support building the project? No, but the more important issue at hand is support of the Constitution in the face of our enemies, asserting what separates our country from those who attack us in the name of God.

Gender Bias

Gender Bias

Last week I encountered a woman I previously knew; a very attractive successful vice president of a national company. Ironically, her reputation is one of being a “total b—ch”. This prompted me to wonder why people feel intimidated by successful women whereas I have always been attracted to and admired successful intelligent women. Personally, my wife LeeAnn is beautiful, has worked as a financial controller for a Ross Perot company with numerous people reporting to her, and is now attaining her CPA. Similarly, my girlfriend prior to LeeAnn turned heads and is vice president of a national healthcare company. But yet, both are denigrated by people who do not know them. Having two daughters I feel hypersensitive to this issue as I encourage and push them to achieve more, challenging them academically. However, their friends, and even some family, fail to support and push them.

Sadly, it appears many Americans regard successful, attractive women as enemies; often denigrated with the “b” or “c” words. A woman relegated to part-time work or a stereotypical female job finds herself held in higher regard, but it seems these women are the first to insult those who have found success. Among males, the opposite is true. A tough, good looking guy rising to a top-management position, becoming a politician or powerful lawyer is admired.

Examples of tough women at leadership levels abound from Pelosi and Palin, Secretary of State Clinton, Germany’s Merkel, England’s former Thatcher, and even our own local Suzanne Kosmas and Dorothy Hukill. These are the women I use as role models for my daughters, the ladies who have proven with hard work and determination, regardless of gender, they can rise and chase dreams. Unfortunately, more Americans uphold Lohan, Spears, and Snooki. It appears there is more regard for pop stars void of opinion and intellect, lacking morals, values, and ethics, but high on scandal, promiscuity, and even criminal activity. Successful women find themselves mocked and maligned, like Sarah Palin. What woman serves as a better role model than Palin, who spoke out locally, rose through the ranks and became governor, and the second female vice presidential candidate in American history? It’s easy to disparage people we don’t know, calling them trailer trash, a b—ch, or reference lipstick on a pig. If dislike is driven by disagreement over issues, then debate, but don’t make it personal

The View

The View

It is amazing how two people can look at the same consideration and see two distinct things. Even a single feature can look different depending on the direction from which it is approached. I live next to a 3,200 foot mountain peak, Mt. Yonah, and admire its beauty every time I drive home. If I approach Mt. Yonah from the Northwest I see a gently rising tree covered mountain, rising majestically to the sky. However, approaching from the Southeast, to go home, the same mountain rises ominously with nearly vertical granite faces, stripped of any foliage and impossible to climb. Although this same peak is visible from miles around, the view and approach would change your perspective about climbing to the summit.

Politics, societal problems, and even relationships anecdotally reflect my mountain. Depending on the point of view taken to attack issues, problems can appear gradually solvable or insurmountable. For example, the oil spill in the Gulf can be viewed as an environmental tragedy or an engineering challenge. Chelsea Clinton’s wedding last weekend was hyped as the wedding of the century, but to the residents of Rhinebeck, New York it was a media frenzy and security nightmare. What has been lost in American debate today is the understanding that debate accommodates differing views; one is not necessarily right or wrong. I learned several years ago feelings cannot be argued, only facts. However, if you watch the news closely, and monitor political debate, arguments center on emotions, feelings, and perceptions, not facts.

Last week a federal judge issued an injunction against Arizona’s controversial immigration bill. This is a hot-button issue with differing views on how to solve a problem. I would argue what is missing is the discussion of the issue at hand. For example, Obama promised immigration reform, but after 19 months in office nothing has transpired leaving Arizona to deal with the issue and thus pushing a bill designed to move the issue to the spotlight. Armed with what I know, I could not possibly consider living in a border state due to the violence, costs, and breakdown in social order. However, I believe we should embrace people risking their lives to come to our country. What matters now is how we view the problem and work together to solve it; effective debate starts with understanding the view.



The last few weeks I have touched on three key topics and want to revisit them today as each has made headlines, reiterating my concerns, or in one case giving hope and contradicting my thoughts. Last week I touched on energy policy, the failure of the Department of Energy to meet its mandate by President Carter, and cornucopian ignorance by conservatives. The prior week I alerted you to my concern over failing state governments. Three weeks ago I hit on the issue of entertainment and sports prevailing as the interest to Americans instead of citizenship. I typically write this column on the weekend preceding publication so it has been fascinating to watch thoughts, predictions, and trends materialize.

Snowstorms battered the mid-Atlantic and northeast again this past week reiterating my focus on state governments running budget deficits and the upcoming economic malaise. The same week I wrote my column the governors of the states met and voiced concern over impending shortfalls. In world headlines, Greece continues to make the news, but the state of California is the eighth largest economy in the world and remains on the brink of failure. On the U.S. east coast snowstorms may bankrupt individual states. For example, Georgia has no budget for snow removal but has spent $5 million. Virginia has suffered; outspending its $79 million snow removal budget by another $70 million. Those are critical monies ordinarily available for social services, schools, libraries, and road maintenance. In Virginia, the state Continue reading…